Entrepreneurial Ministers Network

Pray enough...

Prepare enough...

Share enough...

Care enough...

to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Are you an Entreprnerial Minister?

The term "entrepreneurial minister" is not a term that is commonly used today. I looked at the lives the disciples of Jesus and noticed something many many years ago as an obvious theme. The first disciples Jesus chose were fishermen. In fact His core group, the guys closest to Him were "businessmen". Today we might call them entrepreneurs. Now I don't know the full reasons Jesus happened to choose "entrepreneurs" as His first disciples. He must have had one. After all Jesus was on a mission from the time He came to earth.

Here is a thought I would like to share about entrepreneurs of our generation. Often (not all the time) I have seen entrepreneurs who become Christians
end up entering full time ministry in a traditional sense like in church or para church ministry. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with them entering ministry in these capacities, especially if they sense the call of God.

Love to hear your thoughts on this subject. You may agree or disagree. Just looking for some input.

Stay blessed,

Ced Reynolds

Friday, November 13, 2009

Entrepreneurial Minded Minsiters Gathering

Just a few of the ministers sharing what they do in ministry. Listen to the scope of ministry similarities and the need for funding in their endeavors.

Stay blessed,

Ced Reynolds, Entrepreneurial Pastor

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A team of Entrepreneurial Minded Ministers

Imagine having a team of Entrepreneurial Minded Ministers in your business. Not only would you be covered in a great degree of prayer, wisdom and other spiritual dynamics, you would have some of the most influential people on the planet helping you build your network marketing dynasty. And get this. They aren't any harder to find than any other target group.

Ced Reynolds
Entrepreneurial Pastor